Monday, November 3, 2014

National Adoption Awareness Month

This video features four woman who have worked with Mercy Ministries. 
Read below for more details as to why this is important to us. 
Francesca Battistelli - He Knows My Name (Official Video)

Do you know that the month of November is National Adoption Awareness Month!!

I'm excited to celebrate Adoption throughout the month by helping to bring awareness to adoption. National Adoption Awareness Month was created to help bring awareness to the Foster Care system. There are tens of thousands of children Nationally hoping for a permanent family.
The theme changes each year regarding a topic to highlight and this year the topic is "Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections".
I found lots of wonderful information and resources on this website:

We are choosing to take part in a Domestic Adoption. With a Domestic Adoption we hope to be placed with a U.S. born infant by their birth parents, who choose an adoptive family (us) and legally consent to an adoption.

We are working with an Agency. Our agency will support, give resources, do our homestudy and helping to find interested parties. They will walk us through the entire experience.
Our Agency is Catholic Charities:

We are also working with Mercy Ministries. We absolutely fell in love with the mission behind Mercy. They have several homes across the country each supported solely by donations. Young girls and woman who are seeking freedom from tough issues, are able to find safety within these homes for a period of time.
Here is a video to watch. It features four woman who have experienced Mercy Ministries; they each tell their story.

Nolan and I are so incredibly excited for the path we are on. We are not sure of our end outcome but are so thankful to be able to Celebrate Adoption along the way. Please join us in Celebrating Adoption this month: I'll be continuing to ask questions, educating myself on proper lingo and preparation, sharing our story and talking about adoption. You can join me in these things as well.

Let it begin



  1. It was brought to my attention that I did not post a link to Mercy Ministries. I think the video gives information but if you would like to visit their website:

  2. We are so excited for you! Praying for you!!!
